You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.1. Maintenance - Edit User IDs > Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 2. User Access

Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 2. User Access

The User File Update screen - User Access tab is where you setup a user's access to the various Micronet modules and menus. You must have Supervisor status to do this.



If you want to prevent users from accessing certain menu options, or you want groups of users to see only specific menu options, you must have already setup the customised menus (refer to "Maintenance - Edit Menus ").

2.8 Feature

You can also use that option to limit a user's access to specific tabs on tabbed screen (refer to "Enter Menu to Edit - Tab (v2.8)").

If your company is registered for the Micronet ODBC module, you also use this tab to allow users to access the ODBC database and set the user's ODBC access preferences, e.g. you can limit their access to searching and loading data from Micronet into their chosen ODBC compliant application (Excel, Crystal Reports, Crystal Analyser, Cognos, etc).

To setup user access:

  1. Add a new user, or open an existing user's record.

Refer to "Adding a New User" or "Updating a User".

Micronet displays the User File Update screen - Main tab.

  1. Select the 2. User Access tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Deny Access to Live

Select Yes if you want to prevent this user from accessing the live Micronet systems. They may, however, access the DEMO and EOM (End of Month) areas. Select No if you want the user to be able to access the live Micronet systems.


Access MDS

Select Yes if this user can access the Micronet Distribution System, or No if they cannot.


Default MDS Menu

If you have customised MDS menus for specific individuals or groups of users, enter the name of the customised menu the user should access. Leave this field blank for the standard Micronet menu.


Access MJC

Select Yes if this user can access the Micronet Distribution System, or No if they cannot.


Default MJC Menu

If you have customised MJC menus for specific individuals or groups of users, enter the name of the customised menu the user should access. Leave this field blank for the standard Micronet menu.


Access MKS

Select Yes if this user can access the Micronet Kitting System, or No if they cannot


Access MGL

Select Yes if this user can access the Micronet General Ledger system, or No if they cannot.


Default MGL Menu

If you have customised MGL menus for specific individuals or groups of users, enter the name of the customised menu the user should access. Leave this field blank for the standard Micronet menu.


Access MCL

Select Yes if this user can access the Micronet Creditors Ledger system, or No if they cannot.


Default MCL Menu

If you have customised MCL menus for specific individuals or groups of users, enter the name of the customised menu the user should access. Leave this field blank for the standard Micronet menu.


Access POS

Select Yes if this user can access the Micronet Point of Sale system, or No if they cannot.


Default POS Menu

If you have customised POS menus for specific individuals or groups of users, enter the name of the customised menu the user should access. Leave this field blank for the standard Micronet menu.


Access MRF

Select Yes if this user can access the Micronet Roll Forming system, or No if they cannot.


Default MRF Menu

If you have customised MRF menus for specific individuals or groups of users, enter the name of the customised menu the user should access. Leave this field blank for the standard Micronet menu.


Access EST

This option is no longer used.


Access MSA BI

If you have customised Micronet Business Intelligence menus for specific individuals or groups or users, enter the name of the customised menu the user should access. Leave this field blank for the standard Micronet menu.


Access ODBC

If your company is registered for the Micronet ODBC module, select Yes to allow this user to access the ODBC database, or No if they cannot. You set the user's access preferences for ODBC using the bottom part of the screen as detailed below.

  1. Optionally, setup the user's ODBC access to the different companies available. If you want to:

If you selected to add, insert or edit the user's access to a company, Micronet displays the Enter ODBC Security screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Select the company to which the user's ODBC access applies, or select All Companies to access all companies running Micronet.



Select the files or procedures the user can access. You can select individual files or procedures, or All Files or All Procedures.



This field is not used.



Select Yes to allow this user to read data from the selected file or procedure, or No if they cannot.



Select Yes to allow this user to add or insert a record into the selected file or procedure, or No if they cannot.



Select Yes to allow this user to update a record in the selected file or procedure, or No if they cannot.



Select Yes to allow this user to delete a record in the selected file or procedure, or No if they cannot.


Select for Update

Select Yes to allow this user to execute the Select for Update ODBC command, or No if they cannot.


Execute Procedure

If you selected a procedure, select Yes to allow this user to execute the procedure, or No if they cannot.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Enter ODBC screen so you can setup access for other files or procedures.

  1. When you have finished setting up the user's ODBC access, select the Cancel button.

Micronet redisplays the User File Update screen - User Access tab listing the companies the user can access.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.